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4 Reasons Your Business Needs an Online Presence in 2021

2020 marked a huge shift in lifestyle for hundreds of thousands of people. Unfortunately, the pandemic rages on in many areas of the world. Even after it has subsided, the value of an online presence will remain.

What has allowed a lot of businesses and creators to survive through these trying times is building their presence online. If your business only exists as an idea in your head or brick and mortar, then thousands of people who might love what you do won’t even know you exist.

Having a presence online will help you whether or not there is an international health crisis going on.

1. Increases Accessibility

    When people aren’t able to go out to meet you or access your goods and services, then building an online presence will allow your business (and personality!) to still be accessed by those who want and need it.

    If you have a remote business, then being online is crucial to people accessing your amazing products and services. How else are people supposed to know you exist?

    It’s an effortless way to let your target audience know what you’re up to, what you offer, and what makes you unique. No matter what you are working on, you have competition - other people who are doing the same thing as you (and that’s okay!). But if your competition is online and you aren’t - potential customers will likely run into their products or services first and by the time they come across your wonderful talents, they may have already decided on someone else.

    2. Increases your Overall Reach

      The internet is incredibly vast. By having a public online presence you can reach a significantly higher number of people who can become part of your community. By being online, people may accidentally stumble upon your business where they may not be able to if you’re working from your home or don’t live in the same place as those who have the potential to stumble upon your work.

      By publishing your products or services on your website or on social media, it makes it easier for people to share that with other people if they love it, and further, build a community of people who love what you’re doing.

      3. Builds a Relationship with Your People

        When people recognize you online, it brings your brand and business to the forefront of your potential customer’s mind. By creating engaging content and talking to your audience, you are creating a connection and a relationship with them and increasing how much they like and trust you.

        But most importantly, people buy from people. If people can see your personality and your work online, then they will be more inclined to follow you along your journey. Even big brands can have personality. Have you ever seen Denny’s Twitter? It’s hilarious and makes people like them more while giving them a unique and witty voice.

        4. Allows you to get Feedback

          Do you have an idea but aren’t sure how your audience will react? Ask them!

          Make use of your posts, Instagram polls, and Direct Messages to get feedback on what you’re doing (or planning on doing) to improve or change up your practices in a way you know people want.

          It will save you countless hours creating something only to find out it doesn’t work out as well as you had hoped. If you ask what people want or need it will allow you to serve your specific audience in a way that will benefit everyone.

          In short, the value of having an online presence is unquestionable. It allows you to build a community of potential customers or clients that love what you do and want to support you.

          The Question: How Do You Get Online Effectively?

          I'm hoping my blog can provide answers to your questions. If there's a question you have that you think I should write about, send me a message or leave a comment! The purpose of this blog is to provide free resources to help you with your creative small business, so your input means a lot to me!

          Alexis Kelly is a content creator who helps creative businesses establish and maintain their online presence and build community through blogging, email newsletters, and social media.

          Need help getting started online? Feel free to contact me via Instagram DM or email with any questions or to work with me to get yourself online and interacting with your awaiting audience.

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