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3 Tips for Staying Consistent on Social Media

The question for a ton of people who use social media is how to stay consistent. We hear over and over again that you need to consistently be posting, but HOW? I’ve put together a few tips to help you out so you can be posting online consistently without thinking about it 24/7.

1. Pick some themes for your social media     

    What do you want to talk about on social media? Your lifestyle (food, workouts, events)? Your work (behind-the-scenes, helpful tips regarding your industry)? How much you love coffee or cats? Your artwork (painting, poetry, videography)?

    Having themes for your social media will stop you from saying “what am I going to post about today?” but instead you ask yourself “what do I have to say about [insert topic here]?” If you pick a topic you're passionate about that you could talk about all day it will be easier to come up with content.

    You can also take some time out of your day to create a “master list” of post ideas that you can pick from when you feel like your brain is full of cobwebs.

    2. Create a schedule 

         a. Pick times & days

      When do you have time to post? What days do you think your followers are the most active? When do you have time to stick around to respond to comments?

      Consistency is more important than how many times a week you post (even though posting more = more engagement). If you only have time to post 1-2 times a week, that’s okay! Once you decide when you want to post, stick with your schedule.

           b. Plan what you’re going to post about on each day

        Pick a theme, and then pick a day from your social media times and days you’ve chosen. You don’t have to stick with your plan, but at least if you have one you’ll have something to fall back to.

             c. Put it in your calendar!

          A sure-fire way to forget to post is to not have it on your to-do list. I live by my digital calendar for this.

          3. [Optional] Preschedule Your Posts!

            A guaranteed way to make sure you’re staying consistent is to preschedule your posts. I use later.com, but some others are Facebook Business Manager, Planoly, Hootsuite, Recurpost, and more! There are tons of apps out there, so research and pick one that gives you the features you need or want and that you like using.

            Make sure you turn the notification on for when you post so that you know to check in on your comments and respond to anyone who engages with your post!

            An additional tip for you! 

            If something else comes up that you want to talk about, then you can change around your schedule - it doesn't have to be rigid, but having a schedule in place will give you something to fall back on. 

            Also, be kind to yourself and forgive yourself if you're not 100% consistent! We are all humans and make mistakes or more important things come up (ironically, this blog post came out a day late). 


            Alexis Kelly is a content writer and editor who helps creative solopreneurs establish and maintain their online presence and build their online community through e-books, blogging, email newsletters, and social media. You can contact her for a free discovery call: arkwritingfreelance @ gmail . com 

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